Our Holiday Open House and Santa's Workshop Sale was amazing, thanks to our customers.
Thank you for making our year a huge success. Chris is busy finishing custom orders in time
for Christmas. Please check back in late spring to see what Chris's schedule will be through
the 2019 season. She will be busy looking for new treasures and creating one of a kind pieces.

Remember:  you can always email your questions to  chris@chrishartstudio.com or check
online for Chris Hart Studio on  Facebook  or  Instagram and at www.chrishartstudio.com.

Connect with Chris
Chris Hart's Blog  - The Saint Painter
Chris Hart Studio on
Chris Hart Studio on pinterest
Chris Hart Studio on Facebook
Chris Hart Studio on YELP
Email: chris@chrishartstudio.com

For special orders contact Chris
Chris Hart Studio on Facebook
Email: chris@chrishartstudio.com


1100 SE Gladiola Dr. 
Grants Pass, OR  97526

    Ph: (541) 479-6568    
Fax: (541) 479-8192 

Link to Chris Hart Studio @ Facebook

Link to Chris @ pinterest

Email: chris@chrishartstudio.com

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